The Best Way To Monitor Cadet Training Anytime Anywhere

Here is the most efficient management and monitoring of cadet training...

The e-CADET package consisting of a mobile application for use by cadets and a web application for school administrators.

Cadets update their digital training record books as they accomplish them, training officers validate them online or offline, all under the close monitoring of school administrators.

Cadets Update Their Training Record Books with a Mobile App
A registered cadet is given by his or her school a login name and matching password to access eCADET either via the web application or using the mobile app.

The cadet can use either the web application or the mobile app exclusively or in combination. Synchronization of encoded data is done automatically by eCADET everytime internet connectivity is detected. Of course, the web application component is only available where there is connectivity while the mobile app can be used whether online or offline.
Onboard and School Training Officers Validate via Mobile or Web App
When an officer logs into eCADET, he or she immediately sees the tasks submitted for approval by those cadets who are assigned under him or her. If an officer is an assessor, the groups of tasks that are ready for assessment and are those by cadets who were asssigned under him or her will be displayed as well. Hence this step is critical in making sure the progression from task completion to submisssion and finally asssessment are gone through smoothly and efficiently.
School Administrators Monitor and Manage via the Web App
The administrator account represents the owner of the subscription to eCADET. All pages of eCADET are accessible to an administrator account.

The schools that must be encoded are the academic institutions in which the cadets who will be using eCADET are enrolled.
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